On the 29th and 30th of November, TRACE Wildlife Forensics Network (https://www.tracenetwork.org/
Start Nakuru Lion Project
On the 8th of August, the Nakuru Lion Project has officially been opened by Hans de Iongh. This has been done by the symbolically handing over one of the satellite collars to the senior warden of Lake Nakuru National Park in Kenya.Read More
Shekhar Kolipaka will be our new secretary!
1th of Januari 2019, Shekhar Kolipaka will follow up Marjolein Schoe as the secretary of Leo Foundation. Read More
Behind the scenes at the lions of Burgers Zoo
Every year, globeguards organises an action of all her members. Last year, All for Nature travel has sponsored our lion project in Nairobi NP. Read More
Children’s Bushcamp in Benin
At the beginning of June, a Children’s Bushcamp has been held in W National Parc in North Benin. Read More
Decollaring of two lions in Nairobi NP
Nairobi NP – On the morning of 5 februari 2018, a team of KWS (Francis Lesilau), Leo foundation (Hans de Iongh) en CML, Leiden University (Kevin Groen) have decollarred two lionsRead More
Proceeds of the National Geographic Junior diary 2017/2018
End 2017, Leo Foundation received the good news that the proceeds of the National Geographic Junior school diary brought in €6019,39. This money will be used to support our lion guards programme in Cameroon.Read More
Leo foundation meets Panthera
Beginning of December, Laura Bertola of the Leo Foundation, met up with Luke Hunter, President and Chief conservation officer of the NGO Panthera at their headquarters in New York.Read More
Trends in de carnivore populations in Bouba Ndjida NP, North Cameroon.
The results of the study implemented by staff of the Leo foundation and students of Leiden University in Bouba Ndjida NP, North Cameroon, have now been published in African Journal of Ecology. This study showed that lion and spotted hyena populations in Bouba Ndjida NP seem to have increased between 2005 and 2014. This result was base on a comparison between a calling station survey that Leo Foundation has performed in 2014 with the calling station survey performed by dr Hans Bauer of Wildcru, Oxford in 2005. This project has been sponsored by US Fish and Wildlife Service and Prins Bernhard Natuurfonds.Read More
Hope for Waza National Park in Cameroon
As was previously announced, the Leo Foundation received funding from the WWF to assess the situation in Waza National Park, Cameroon. This park is situated in the extreme North of Cameroon, a region that suffered greatly from the presence of Boko Haram in the past years. As the security situation is improving, it is time to thoroughly analyse the situation of Waza National Park in its current state.Read More