Documentation on the Large Carnivore Initiative
Information workshop 2010
- LCI_workshop 2010_presentation lion-livestock conflict
- LCI_workshop 2010_presentation lion phylogeny
- LCI_workshop 2010_presentation lion conservation genetics
- LCI_workshop 2010_presentation Leopards
- LCI_workshop 2010_presentation large carnivores Bouba Ndjida NP Cameroon
- LCI_workshop 2010_presentation large carnivores Benoue NP Cameroon
- LCI_workshop 2010_presentation conflict management Kenya
- LCI_workshop 2010_presentation Cheetah in Benin
- LCI_workshop 2010_presentation Cheetah & Wild Dog
- LCI_workshop 2010_presentation Amboseli NP Kenya
- LCI_workshop 2010_evaluation form
- LCI_workshop 2010_presentation website
- LCI_workshop 2010_presentation Panthera
- LCI_workshop 2010_presentation lions W-C Africa
- LCI_workshop 2010_presentation lions Waza NP Cameroon
Information workshop 2013
- Cameroon_lion_action plan 2007
- Cameroon_lion_programma 2013
- lion_aging brochure 2010
- large carnivores_protocol spoor identification
- large carnivores_protocol scat sampling
- W-C Africa_wildlife_aerial report WAP-complex 2012
- W-C Africa_lions_status report WAP-complex 2012
Documentation per species
African wild dog (Lycaon pictus)
Lion (Panthera leo)
- Benin_Lion_news item 2011
- Benin_lion_status report 2009
- Nigeria_lion_news item 2010-11-18
- Cameroon_lion_article by Tumenta et al 2009
- Central African Republic_lion_status report 2010
- W-C Africa_lion_article by Bauer et al 2010
- W-C Africa_lion_article by Henschel et al 2010
- W-C Africa_lion_article by Riggio et al 2013
Other documentation on large carnivores
- Cameroon_large carnivores_recommendations 2010
- Cameroon_large carnivores_article Croes et al 2011
- Cameroon_large carnivores_article by Bauer 2007
- W-C Africa_large carnivores_seminar 2006
- large carnivores_article by Funston et al 2010
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